Children's Classes
Creating Brilliant Stars

Bahá’ís believe that we are all like mines full of gems, which education can reveal:
"Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom." ~Bahá'u'lláh
In neighbourhood children’s classes, children learn about spiritual virtues such as truthfulness, kindness, forgiveness and unity. These qualities, are learned through arts, music, games, prayers and discussions. These virtues that are shared by all the different religions of the world, help children to develop their character, find strength in themselves and others, and form a foundation for their adult lives. and their friends around the world and in Vanuatu, have found that these classes have very positive effects on the children: their ability to express their feelings positively is improved, their belief in their own capacity is strengthened, and they grow in their ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

Children from Mele doing presentation on what they learned.

Children from Tanna doing presentation on what they learned based on the spiritual concepts.

Children doing presentation on what they learned based on the spiritual concepts.
Children from Nakayelo community in Tanna in their class.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá has written:
“Among the greatest of all services that can possibly be rendered by man to Almighty God Is the education and training of children… If a child be trained from his infancy, he will, through the loving care of the Holy Gardener, drink in the crystal waters of the spirit and knowledge, like a young tree amid the thrilling brooks. And certainly he will gather to himself the bright rays of the Sun of Truth and through its light and heat will grow ever fresh and fair in the garden of life.”